
Same Old Love

The Virgin and the GipsyIs the discipline focus limiting your relationship?A gentle giant who loves and serves the woman he leadsA woman must know that her man caresHe's in charge. . . but I do it my wayDo the right thing - be the captain of your shipGiven a choice between two men ...

What I find most satisfying in a taken in hand relationship is my lack of having to justify or explain what I do. In fact, I bet if you were to take your lifestyle to the general populous where you work or play, the very act of 'surrendering to your husband' may get comments like 'That's crazy! You have the right to your own autonomy!' But then again, they would be passing judgment on what is right for you. I know that some here are aware of my background. Others aren't and it really doesn't matter. If you simply follow this thread you'd see where it began. And that answers why I do what I do. Everything I do is out of love, as everything Gary does. The fact that I was pummeled and contorted for over 10 years by a sick husband has left my body to be repaired by medical means. As a result I do not cope as well as full able bodies might. A fact that frustrates me to no end, and I continually try to pull a load much stronger than I can bear..but try anyway! Gary loves me. He tells me how painful it is for him to see me go and go and go and watch the pain that follows. Without rest and constant vigilance on my everyready battery persistence, my pain reaches new heights. Of course there is the argument that I should be able to self regulate, but then again, that would passing judgment. However, I only have to account to Gary. And he loves me. I do enjoy debate. Too bad that wasn't the case. -Blush by Blush on 2006 Mar 11 - 02:55 | reply to this commentBeing micromanagedI agree with Blush and it`s really frustrating to read that one taken in hand woman is telling another taken in hand woman that she is being childish just because her relationship is different.

The Virgin and the GipsyIs the discipline focus limiting your relationship?A gentle giant who loves and serves the woman he leadsA woman must know that her man caresHe's in charge. . . but I do it my wayDo the right thing - be the captain of your shipGiven a choice between two men ...

What I find most satisfying in a taken in hand relationship is my lack of having to justify or explain what I do. In fact, I bet if you were to take your lifestyle to the general populous where you work or play, the very act of 'surrendering to your husband' may get comments like 'That's crazy! You have the right to your own autonomy!' But then again, they would be passing judgment on what is right for you. I know that some here are aware of my background. Others aren't and it really doesn't matter. If you simply follow this thread you'd see where it began. And that answers why I do what I do. Everything I do is out of love, as everything Gary does. The fact that I was pummeled and contorted for over 10 years by a sick husband has left my body to be repaired by medical means. As a result I do not cope as well as full able bodies might. A fact that frustrates me to no end, and I continually try to pull a load much stronger than I can bear..but try anyway! Gary loves me. He tells me how painful it is for him to see me go and go and go and watch the pain that follows. Without rest and constant vigilance on my everyready battery persistence, my pain reaches new heights. Of course there is the argument that I should be able to self regulate, but then again, that would passing judgment. However, I only have to account to Gary. And he loves me. I do enjoy debate. Too bad that wasn't the case. -Blush by Blush on 2006 Mar 11 - 02:55 | reply to this commentBeing micromanagedI agree with Blush and it`s really frustrating to read that one taken in hand woman is telling another taken in hand woman that she is being childish just because her relationship is different.

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